Wednesday, February 29, 2012


I'm thankful for this extra day this year. Normally, it is just a silly thing to be excited about; however, this year, we have sooo many projects that having an extra day is something to really celebrate. I'm also thankful that it appears that our weather has already broke for Spring. I'm not trying to tempt Mother Nature or anything and realize that we could still have one hell of a winter storm still (in fact, Mark and I have a bet on it...I say no, he says yes). We've decided to take this opportunity to work on some of the flower beds. My muscles are already aching - it feels good after a winter of hibernating - but I think there is going to be a lot of ibuprofen in my system in the next few months. Here's some things that are happening around here...

Garden at the end of our drive. We didn't even know that fence piece existed. We cleaned out all the old, dead plants and weeds and got the garden ready for this year. We pulled up all the border rocks and cleaned around them. Hard work, but it looks so much nicer. See the bush behind? I'm hoping to cut that out this year.

Another view, from the other side.

Crocus already in bloom.

Daffodils are getting ready to bloom.

I'm not sure what that yellow flower is, but it's getting ready to open. Beautiful!

Come on out of the barn Josie and Blossom! The rain has stopped!

This is Jack, one of our three outside cats. They kinda just adopted us. Jack is probably the sweetest cat that I know (other than one of our inside kitties - Freak). Look at that sweet face.

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