Thursday, March 21, 2013


You know what the day after tomorrow is?????
We are SO excited - we'll be spending an entire day learning about beekeeping AND leave with all of our beehive supplies!  We decided to get unassembled hives for two reasons:
1) Cost
2) To touch every piece and gain a better understanding of how they all work together. 


  1. LOL Gosh your life is exciting at the moment.

  2. Definitely! This is definitely the year of just jump and get it done. I love it - always something new happening. Finally living our dream...

  3. Oh I would be so excited too. I am seriously thinking the bees will be next years project. I feel like I have to read up on it more. And take bee class!

    1. Kim - we started going to a local beekeeper association monthly meetings around Sept last year? We've just been listening and learning through them. Each month, they walk us out to the bee yard (weather permitting) and teach us about what we should be doing and looking for with our bees. There are EXTREMELY knowledgeable people there - from first and second year backyard farmers to 30 year commercial farmers. I would HIGHLY suggest getting involved with your local association. Also, ours has extraction tools that we can borrow at no charge!!!

  4. I've just finished a bee keeping course and am so excited to get some hives to build for our backyard. What a fantastic thing to do!
