Sunday, April 24, 2011

Peter Cottontail

We had a visit from the Easter Bunny last night...which explains the spastic sugar rush that our children are experiencing currently. Breakfast = Peeps...Hmmmm....

Last night we colored our eggs and I've decided that next year we are jumping on the natural dying bandwagon. One, as a way to continue to decrease our footprint and two, because the natural dyes seem to create such beautiful egg designs. But, these aren't too shabby if I say so myself...

Yesterday we went to the thinkGREEN fair at Marvin's Organic Gardens and had a GREAT time. They had a lot of great vendors with "green" information. It is good to see where we stand and understand some of the additional options available to us. We found a group that organized "the nation's first contiguous coast-to-coast roadside litter pick-up" - support these people if you can! You can find their site here: PickUpAmerica. We purchased three reusable sandwich bags from them (for the kids lunches) - the company that makes the bags donates the product to PickUpAmerica and they sell them, then all the money goes directly to the organization. LOVE IT.

News on the farm buying front...I have to warn's not good. We waited six weeks - during that time we paid over $1000 in old bills (mostly medical), continued to pay all of our bills on time, and even paid extra on our one remaining credit card (that has a small balance)...and our score didn't budge! Not at all...Nadda! How freaking heart breaking is that!? It is frustrating that I see others cheating the system and we struggle and work hard to do the right thing and we just aren't able to make the numbers we need. We'll just continue to plug away at this...there's really not much else we could it is just about waiting to prove, over time, that we are worthy of a home loan. Our lendor did say that she was going to see if she could work some magic...but I'm definitely NOT counting on that. This will all be worth it someday. In the meantime, we will just keep nurturing our trees and bushes (including our new Paw Paw trees!!!)...and dream about the day we get to dig holes and put them in the ground...
Happy Easter...Happy Earth Day...and a very special Happy Birthday to my daughter longer a teenager...a beautiful, intelligent, 20 year old.